Artifact 7e04e0736f3fb87a3e3e25b7272bd700733405cf:
- File components/init-earlyboot/functions — part of check-in [8325c05e69] at 2012-08-04 07:05:15 on branch trunk — Added basic documentation (user: rkeene, size: 321) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
- File initrd/init-earlyboot/functions — part of check-in [1dddebba6a] at 2012-08-05 21:38:27 on branch trunk — Brought system to basic bootable state (early-boot) (user: rkeene, size: 321) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
1. Load kernel modules 2. Mount devfs 3. Locate config partition -> If not found, mount "/system" as tmpfs and perform installation -> Offer to install 4. Load more kernel modules 5. Mount /system (if needed) 6. Mount /system/config (tmpfs) and copy contents to it 7. Unmount devfs 8. Pass control to later boot's init